Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Houston, We've Got A Gender!

January 12th, 2009

It’s a boy! It’s a boy! It’s a boy!

Yesterday John and I had our 21 week ultrasound and we found out that the baby inside me is growing a penis, making it a boy! Ha ha! We are thrilled! John was so excited that he made the technician take a still shot of our babies manhood so that he could show his friends. Already a proud papa.

This ultrasound was amazing, the technician worked so quickly. She was able to determine that by all accounts we have a healthy baby boy. She looked at his spine, she measured his brain, she checked his feet, his nose and lips. She looked at his kidneys and even his tiny little bladder. You could see it all, it was absolutely amazing. At one point she zoomed in on the heart and we could see all four chambers. How amazing to know that all is looking good. We are so fortunate.

After all the measurements were done the technician said I could go to the washroom (thank God) to create a little more room for the baby to move around. Before that my bladder was so full there wasn’t a lot of space for him. That’s when he really put on a show; he moved around, flexed his arm muscles (just like dad) and even waved at us. The wave was awesome. His hand moved slowly, you could see all five fingers, and it swayed back and forth. Hello little man.

I have to tell you, for me, knowing the sex has already made a difference in how I feel about this whole experience. Calling the baby “it” made me feel distant from him in a sense. I feel a connection now (although still small). Knowing the gender gives this baby an identity. I’m going to be the mother of a boy. I’m going to be responsible to care and nurture and teach this boy who will grow to be a man and do wonderful things with his life. He’s going to play a role and affect people. In fact, I suppose I am the first person he is affecting by his mere presence. That is powerful. That’s my baby boy. That is something I can really feel.