Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Big Teeth

Evan’s two front top teeth have cut through and they look HUGE! Honestly, they look like adult teeth. Poor little guy. Unfortunately due to his discomfort he’s been waking up an average of twice a night and the only thing that will calm him down is feeding him. Not a good habit to get in to I know, but what else am I supposed to do?! This morning he woke up at 4am so I went in, gave him his soother and patted his back. I thought he went back to sleep, but when my alarm went off at 4:30am he was up again. Nothing I did calmed him so at 5:15am I caved and gave him a bottle. I was going to be late for work so I had no other choice. Truth is Evan always wakes up once to be fed. I know he shouldn’t need a dream feed at 10 months, but he’s waking up for it… probably out of habit now… oh what have I done?! We’re going to attempt to wean him off by decreasing the amount of formula in his bottle each night. I hope it works, although I wonder if there’s any point to starting the weaning process while he’s teething. Wait, we have to, he's going to be teething for years! Oh the mixed emotions… I marvel at his development (Teeth, hello?! Totally cool!), but agonize over the sleepless nights his development is causing. Ah well, you know what, who am I kidding, I don’t care that much. I’m the luckiest girl in the world! I’ve got an awesome baby, a fantastic man, oh and there’s my health! I have my health! Happy Wednesday!


  1. awwww, poor little guy. We're going through the same thing. I often have wished babies would just get the full mouthful of teeth at the same time. It sucks... My doctor gave me awesome advice to always treat your baby, not the symptom. Meaning... if they clearly are uncomfortable and unconsolable, give them what they need/want. Be it tylonol, a bottle, a hug, a breast etc etc. She put it like this, if you had a headache would you try to help yourself deal with it? Of course!

    Love you lots. And I love that picture of you from Sudbury too!

  2. EXCELLENT advice! Phewf, I guess John and I are doing the right thing then. :)

  3. always. You're fantastic parents. I can vouch for it. :)

  4. We're starting the weaning process too. I have heard that if you put less formula in the bottle each night, they'll eventually not wake up, since they won't be getting the nutrients.

    I.E. If you feed him 7 oz, and 3 scoops of formula night 1 would be 3 scoops, night 2 - 2.5 scoops, night 3- 2 scoops etc etc.

  5. Who said a dream feed at 10 months was to old? It's not.
