Sunday, January 2, 2011

So Far So Great

So far 2011 is shaping up to be awesome! The last two days Evan has been the sweetest, most content, easy-going, cute, happy baby! All while cutting two teeth if you can believe it. Yes, just this morning I felt them for the first time. His two bottom teeth are coming in and I’m so excited for him! So how can it be that he’s being so wonderful? I don’t know… Maybe he’s happy to have the holidays behind him. After all it was pretty busy. Or maybe he’s enjoying having both his dad and his mom with him for the last three days. Whatever it is it’s making me love him all that much more.

Now for a little recap. First of all, Christmas! It was wonderful. This Christmas John and I travelled to Toronto to be with his family and it was really great. His family is so kind and warm and welcoming, and they were really tickled pink to be part of Evan’s first festive season. On Boxing Day we made the trek from Toronto to Almonte to spend time with my family which was equally great. For the most part Evan was really good. He was a dream in the car which meant my Christmas wish came true. He was also pretty good with all the new faces. Honestly I can’t complain, for being in different homes and around so many people he did really well. Unfortunately he did come down with a cold on Boxing Day, but it’s almost gone now and besides affecting his sleep a little he’s been a rock star through it. So yes, all in all Christmas was beautiful.

Oh, and I have to tell you that Evan is now officially crawling! Can you believe it?! He also pulled himself up (to his feet) on the couch for the first time yesterday. Thankfully just the day before John and I lowered his crib. I was having nightmares of hearing kurplunk in the night and it seems my mommy’s intuition was bang on.

I tell ya, life as a mom just keeps getting better and better. It’s going to be very hard going back to work on the 4th. As it is, for the last 7 and a half months I haven’t missed a single milestone… that may change now, but I can’t think that way. I’ll manage like all the other working moms do.

I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season. Here’s to 2011, may it be rich in many ways!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year and I wish all the best to you and your family in the new year! I must say Evan is really cute and is growing up so fast! :-)
