Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting Dressed

My girlfriend Emily came over this weekend to visit. Her daughter Clementine will be 2 in February and she’s due with her second child in January. While she was visiting Evan was sporting his pajamas. In fact he wore his pajamas all day. It was a lazy day so I figured why not! Emily asked me if he wears onsies most of the time, the truth is he doesn’t. Most days I actually look forward to dressing Evan which kind of surprises me. I didn’t think dressing a little boy would be that much fun, but it is. There are a lot of cute outfits for little guys these days. My girlfriend Marie-Lou has got great taste and a love for shopping which has resulted in some great scores for Evan like the tie shirt below… and yes, those are suspenders on his jeans!


  1. Oh my god - tooooo cute!! That last picture it looks like he is snapping his suspenders! hahaha. Can't wait to see you guys next weekend. XO

  2. Adorable!!! I used to think I'd enjoy dressing a little girl more but now that I have my son (He's close to Evan's age) I love dressing him up! It's always an adventure in the morning picking an outfit from the seemingly hundreds he has in his closet!

  3. I hope you know I was thinking it was GREAT that he was wearing a onesie during the day and not commenting on you ability to dress your child! If I could rock a onesie like the Ev man I totally would :)

  4. Come on! Those pics are too precious for words.
    Love you Evan! xo
