Saturday, April 24, 2010

Turn Frank Turn!

April 24th, 2010

John has taken to calling our little guy Frank, for “frank breech”. That’s the position he’s in right now. We’re at week 35 and my doctor scheduled a version for me for week 37. However, after a lot of consideration I have decided not to do the version. For those of you that don’t know a version is when the doctor tries to turn the baby by externally pushing on your stomach.

From what I’ve read versions have a 50% success rate. If they work than you are able to have a vaginal birth. If they don’t then a c-section is booked.

John and I spoke about it, I also talked to my mom about it and some other mothers too. I’ve decided that if this little guy doesn’t turn on his own than a vaginal birth was not meant to be for me. Like I’ve said in previous posts, all I want is for this baby to come out healthy. The version has its risks and if I may end up with a c-section anyway, I’m not willing to add another risk on top of that.

I’m still holding out hope that he’s going to turn on his own. It certainly feels like he’s trying some days.

On a lighter note, my mom and aunt came over today to help me wash the baby clothes I’ve received so far and to get the crib ready to go. The baby room is slowly coming along. Actually, truth be told, if he was born tomorrow we have everything we need. The wanna be interior designer in me is the one saying the room isn’t done. I still have to hang pictures and put up shelves. I also have to make the cushion for my window seat and the throw pillows. Last week I picked up some fabric for the cushion and pillows. I had never been fabric shopping before; what fun! I felt just like Sarah Richardson! These are the two I chose. They are fun and happy and will go well against the pale yellow walls.

I know that pillows are the easiest thing to sew, but even still I don’t have a clue. Luckily my girlfriend Emily is going to help me out. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Like A Weed…

April 21st, 2010

I’m convinced at this point that I grow nightly. Every morning when I wake up I swear I’m bigger. I’ve got less than 6 weeks to go. I’m starting to get more uncomfortable. It’s not a constant discomfort though and I’m thankful for that. Really it’s just the Braxton Hicks, the odd day of swelling, and the baby foot in the ribcage that makes me squirm here and there. I am getting more tired though. The energy drain is annoying and I struggle with the decision to just give into it or push through it. So far I’ve been pushing through it because the truth is I have a lot to do in the next 5 and half weeks. Mainly I’ve got to prepare for maternity leave.

It is so strange getting ready to leave my job. I have been working straight for the last 6 years, now I’m preparing to up and leave, not because I’m unhappy or because my employer is giving me the heave-ho (thank God), but because I’m having a baby. Luckily I work for a wonderful company that is extremely supportive and flexible, but it’s still weird. It’s weird knowing that I’ll be gone and everyone here will carry on without me.

Since I started my career in radio in 2001 I have only had one 8 month stretch where I was unemployed. It happened after the station I was working for (in Toronto) flipped formats. I was devastated at the time, but it turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me. I took the package they gave me and travelled across Europe. Then I made my way back to my home town of Ottawa and landed myself a gig at The New HOT 89-9. I’ve been at HOT ever since, for 6 exciting years to be exact! Now, after 6 years I’m going to walk away from the station that up until this point I’ve considered to be my baby. Can I love two babies equally? I guess I’m about to find out. I guess I’m also about to find out how much my job has defined me over the last 6 years. Am I going to be lost without it? Once this baby comes into my life will work be the furthest thing from my mind? Only time will tell. One thing is for sure, whatever I’m feeling you’ll hear about it as I plan to continue this blog after the baby is born. It’s been such a great experience thus far, why not keep it going!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big Bellied Beauty

April 14th, 2010

Ya, that’s right, eat your heart out Tyra! I’m a big bellied beauty! Ha ha! Well I don’t always feel that way, but two weeks ago I got to spend a little extra time on me and making myself feel beautiful with good reason. John and I booked a maternity photo shoot with Christine Tripp of Tripp Photography!

I’ve never been one to shy away from the limelight so getting to play model for two hours on a Sunday afternoon was a blast for me! John got into it too, because he’s the best, most supportive partner a gal could have.

We started the shoot in Christine’s at home studio. I shed my top and bra, as did John. I mean he took his shirt off, he doesn’t wear a bra. The two of us cuddled our half naked bodies up against one another for some lovey dovey shots. At first it was really awkward, but Christine was good to give us direction and eventually we relaxed and got into it. After that we changed our outfits… Well I changed my outfit, John just put his shirt back on… and hit the field across from Christine’s house. I requested outdoor shots and I’m so happy I did! The sun was working with us and the field provided a super cool backdrop.

Now to be honest I’m not sure what I’m going to do with these photos. I’ll probably make a little photo album of my favourites and maybe pick one to frame. Question is, where do you put a picture of your partner and pregnant self? The only place I can think of is our ensuite bathroom. I mean we did the pictures for us, I don’t exactly plan on blowing up one of our partial nude shots to hang above the mantel. Just the same I am so happy we did it! After all, this may be the only time I’m pregnant… you just never know.

Here are a couple of fun ones!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Beer Run

You know what I find embarrassing? Buying booze at 33 weeks pregnant. This weekend I did a beer run for John. He was working away at the basement and needed a cold one. I was happy to run an errand for him... I was not so happy that it meant I was going to have to go into the liquor store alone and purchase alcohol.

I’ve pretty much avoided the liquor store since I started showing. There have been times where John and I have been on our way to a dinner party and I want to get a bottle of red for the hostess, but when we park at the LCBO I ask him to run in and I wait in the car. Seriously. I feel totally out of place inside the LCBO now. If you know me well this is probably making you smirk. When I’m not pregnant I quite enjoy perusing the aisles, looking for that perfect bottle of wine. Pregnant me however wants nothing to do with the alcohol filled place. I admit that I’m afraid what people are thinking when I’m in there. It took every bit of security I had not to make a joke to the cashier while I was paying for John’s beer. Not to point out that I obviously wasn’t buying it for myself. Sometimes it amazes me that I care so much about what other people think. It’s not in all scenarios, in fact it seems to be mostly with strangers which makes no sense at all. Ah well, I did it and I made my basement renovating man happy!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


April 12th, 2010

Last night I sat on my couch in silence and reflected on what was one wild week! It was busy, and exhausting, and yet it also provided me with two lovely firsts.

I had two baby showers, my first ever baby showers! They were so much fun! I felt so special and loved!

The gifts John and I were given are definitely worth mentioning because everyone was so incredibly generous and thoughtful. That being said, what I really appreciated was the time these women took out of their lives to celebrate this pending arrival with me. Their excitement was so incredibly touching. It really moved me in a way I wasn’t expecting.

This baby will be raised by a village, there is no doubt. How lucky he will be to have so many vivacious, positive, strong women around him. How lucky I am to have their support.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Marshmallow Toes

April 7th, 2010

Yesterday I wore my black boots to work. They’re knee high boots with a two and a half inch heel. I’ve worn them throughout my pregnancy without any issue… then came the swollen marshmallow toes. I don’t know if it was something I ate, but my toes, feet, ankles, calves; they blew up yesterday. It was so uncomfortable after lunch that I had to take my boots off (along with my socks) and walk around the office in my bare feet. I went to my aunt Wendy’s for dinner in Almonte and I had to drive there in… my bare feet. It was that uncomfortable. They got so big I wasn’t sure if they were ever going to return to their regular size. Luckily the swelling did go down overnight. Just in case though, I wore sandals today.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Final Ultrasound Part Two: Bigger Than Average

April 2nd, 2010

It looks like my genes are going to play a role in the size of this baby. My mom had big babies. I was 8 pounds 6 ounces and my brother was… Get ready to do a Kegel… 10 pounds 9 ounces.

At my ultrasound the technician informed John and I that we have a bigger than average baby. He is currently between 4 and 4 and a half pounds. Apparently that’s the average size of a baby that’s due on May 15th, not May 30th. Our Doctor however has not moved our due date so, in my head I am still planning for the 30th. I don’t want to start thinking our due date is the 15th because that could make for a long two weeks.

The technician also told us that the baby is in the Frank Breech Position. That means his body is sort of folded in half like a diver. His head is at the top of my uterus, his bum is at the bottom and his feet are up near his head. I go back in 2 weeks to see if he’s moved.

Needless to say it was a pretty eventful day yesterday! A bigger than average baby… Did I mention I don’t have anything against drugs during labour?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Final Ultrasound

April 1st, 2010

Today I am going for my final ultrasound. I am 32 weeks pregnant. It is absolute madness to me that in just two months I am going to be a mother. I almost feel the need to repeat that to myself so I start to believe it. “I’m going to be a mother. I’m going to be a mother, I’m going to be a mother”. Nope, that didn’t work. I still don’t really believe it. I’ve actually spoken to some mothers who have told me it didn’t sink in for them until a couple of weeks after giving birth. Almost like they were in a mysterious haze for the first two weeks. I’m trying not to speculate how I’ll be when our little guy joins the family. John and I know that whatever comes our way we’ll handle it. It’s really like everything else in life. None of us know what’s around the corner, but subconsciously we’re ready for it. That’s how we survive. I guess my tone sounds pretty serious. Don’t get me wrong, I am very excited, but the nerves may be a little more powerful when I really think about what’s quickly approaching. Maybe that’s why I don’t think about it that much. Throughout this entire pregnancy I’ve really just taken it one day at a time. For example, I haven’t even booked our prenatal classes yet. The way I look at it this baby is coming out one of two ways no matter what I do. Now some might think that’s the wrong attitude. In fact some people I know are surprised that I don’t have a midwife and a birth plan etc. I feel a bit bad for disappointing these people. So far I have no birth plan in place and I’m going with a boring ol’ doctor. Ha ha! Don’t worry, I’ll get my act together… maybe I’ll do that this weekend. I do actually think having a birth plan is a very good idea. It, at the very least, sets some goals for how the labour process will go. Mama ain’t raise no fool though… I know that when the day comes we may get some surprises that we didn’t plan for. At the end of it all the only thing I care about is that my baby boy is healthy. A healthy baby boy… I’ve got one coming… in two months… a baby! Crazy!